Sports, Race & Culture
Dr.Vernon Andrews
Professional Speaker, Educator, & Author
Meet Dr. Andrews


As part of our campus leadership speaker series, Vernon inspired, encouraged, and challenged our students to grow as leaders. He provides real-world application of skills to not just survive, but to thrive, even in the most challenging of situations. Using humor, personal anecdotes, and his own lived experience as an example, Vernon can connect with students from diverse backgrounds and experiences. And his genuine manner and insightfulness inspires students to move beyond their comfort zone, take calculated risks, and look for opportunities to continue to grow. Students connect to Vernon and his message in a powerful way; indeed, students shared that Vernon’s event was the best of our speaker series!

Vernon has been a welcomed voice of influence and inspiration for our students at Chico State and many men of color in northern California. He has the ability to make large crowds feel intimate because of his down to earth nature. As a facilitator within our Unfiltered series, a participants described him as “an essential and inspirational piece of the Chico State experience”. As a speaker for our Men of Color Conference, he walked through steps to setting goals, pushing past socialized barriers, and achieving success. His passion for mentorship and ability to share his lived experience through storytelling makes him a great addition for any workshop or conference.
Contact Dr. Vernon Andrews